Read our latest feature in LP Gas Magazine about how technology from P3 Propane is providing CTMV drivers with a clear-cut method for performing monthly inspections. “P3 Propane Safety offers a new functionality: monthly meter creep test and discharge safety inspections for cargo tank motor vehicles (CTMVs).”
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The P3 Compliance System Integrates with Blue Cow Software
Did you know that the P3 Compliance System integrates with a variety of back-office software, including Blue Cow, ADD Systems, AgVantage, Automated Wireless Environments (AWE), Cargas, and FuelMor? Our integration with these software partners means that customer account information is pushed from the back-office partner to P3, increasing efficiency and reducing error rates within your […]
Why Policies & Procedures Are So Important for Propane Companies
May 3, 2022If you’re in the propane business, you’ve likely heard about Policies & Procedures here and there. But if you’re wondering why it’s critical for your company to have them and what makes them so important, the safety experts at P3 Propane Safety have you covered. Policies & Procedures 101 Policies can be considered the “big […]
How the Propane Industry Does Cathodic Protection Inspection Testing & Documentation
April 11, 2022If you own, operate, and/or manage a propane company, you’ve heard about cathodic protection inspections and testing. But are you aware of your code requirements and how to meet them correctly and efficiently? Cathodic protection code requirements vary and depend on when the 2011 edition of the NFPA 58 code went into effect in your […]
Safety Training & Meetings that Every Propane Company Needs
March 3, 2022Safety training doesn’t end with CETP/PEP certification. In fact, safety training and communication with your employees company-wide is essential to maintain compliance with DOT, OSHA, and state regulatory requirements. We know, it sounds like a lot. How can you make time to gather plan training, gather materials, and get your team together every month or […]
Get Custom Training with On-Call Support from Propane Safety Experts
February 14, 2022P3 Propane Safety offers Training Service Packages to help marketers manage training requirements as efficiently as possible. Signing up for a Training Service Package will ensure that your employees receive the training they need and that your company is protected from unnecessary risk. A custom training program built for you delivers long-lasting benefits for your […]
Why Insurance Providers Prefer Propane Companies to Have a Policies & Procedures Manual
January 11, 2022When you work in the propane business, having great insurance is critical to protect your company and your employees. Insurance companies and their underwriters understand the risk that comes with owning and operating a propane business, so they are extremely detailed when it comes to writing and reviewing your insurance policy. The good news is […]
FAQs about Propane Driver Safety Evaluations
December 7, 2021If you own or manage a propane business, you know how important delivery drivers are for the company this time of year. Driver safety evaluations are a valuable training tool for owners and managers because they are conducted while drivers are out on the road, and these ride-along evaluations can help companies meet the NFPA […]
Top 3 Things Every Propane Company Needs for Interruption of Service
November 10, 2021In the propane industry, cold weather means more propane deliveries and more frequent interruption of service situations. Interruption of service calls, also called out-of-gas calls, are much more common during the winter season. It is critical that every propane company has the proper protocol in place to make sure that interruption of service situations are […]
Top 4 Policies & Procedures You Need for Winter
October 21, 2021Leading up to the winter months means propane companies are prepping for the busy season. Does your propane company have in place a set of clearly defined policies and procedures? Policies and procedures should specifically guide your company to identify how exactly you should implement industry, federal, state, and local code requirements within your daily […]