The P3 Compliance System Integrates with Blue Cow Software

Did you know that the P3 Compliance System integrates with a variety of back-office software, including Blue Cow, ADD Systems, AgVantage, Automated Wireless Environments (AWE), Cargas, and FuelMor? Our integration with these software partners means that customer account information is pushed from the back-office partner to P3, increasing efficiency and reducing error rates within your propane safety documentation process.

Ed Geswell, owner of Pilgrim Propane in Massachusetts, was very complimentary of the integration . He said of the combined platform:

 “All marketers should be using P3—I’m a 100% believer in it. I will speak to anyone who has any questions about P3. Because of the simplicity of it, the inclusivity of it, and just being able to sleep at night.”

Benefits of P3’s Integrations

P3’s integrations with Blue Cow and other back-office software platforms provide a plethora of benefits to your propane company. These benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Increases efficiency
  • Adds convenience to your operations
  • Saves you time and billable hours
  • Improves data accuracy
  • Helps you recover lost/forgotten tanks

P3’s Integration with Blue Cow Software

P3 Propane Safety is pleased to . The integration, which is currently available to and being used by mutual customers of P3 and Blue Cow Software, seeds customer account data from Blue Cow to P3, and account losses and gains are pushed daily from Blue Cow to P3. This creates efficiencies for the mobile application, helps create a process to audit tank assets, and ensures database integrity.

What’s to Come in the Future

We look forward to continuing to save our mutual customers time and energy as we continue to refine and add features to the P3/Blue Cow integration and other current and future software partner integrations. Keep an eye on our Press page and Integrations page to learn the latest and greatest partnerships that P3 maintains with propane software companies across the country.