Top 5 Policies & Procedures That Propane Marketers Need for Winter

The busy season is almost here. Propane marketers across the country are gearing up for another cold winter. Is your safety program up to the challenge? It is critical that propane companies utilize tools, like Policies and Procedures, to maintain safe daily operations, meet crucial industry requirements, and minimize risk. Hear from our safety experts to learn more about which Policies and Procedures are especially critical to have this time of year.

Ask the Experts: Policies and Procedures for Propane Companies

Policies and Procedures are an essential part of your propane safety program. In fact, several key industry stakeholders recommend, refer to, and even assume that propane marketers have Policies and Procedures in place in order to maintain a viable and compliant safety program. These stakeholders include…

  • The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)
  • Code of Federal Regulations
  • Insurance Providers

So, what specific Policies and Procedures should absolutely be in your manual? Our trained safety consultants recommend:

  1. Bobtail Operation
  2. Hazard Warning Tags—Unsafe Conditions
  3. Interruption of Service Procedures
  4. Leak Checks
  5. Stationary Container Installation Pre-Fill Inspection

Each of these Policies and Procedures covers services that are required for safe operating procedures to protect the customer and the employee. When you implement these Policies and Procedures into a new or existing manual, your employees will be trained to follow the specific guidelines. That way, when things get chaotic when the weather gets cold, you can be confident that your service team is performing all of its tasks consistently and safely, while adhering to important industry regulations.

Team up with P3 Propane Safety

Our team of certified safety professionals has years of experience helping propane marketers develop safety programs and Policies and Procedures Manuals. It only takes a 10-minute conversation with one of our safety consultants to get started, then the process requires minimal time on your part and delivers maximum benefits to your company.

Contact P3 Propane Safety to schedule a free consultation about Policies and Procedures today.