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Propane Driver Evaluations

DOT Training

Propane falls into the category of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), which means propane marketers are required to meet DOT HAZMAT regulations. If your company does not have the proper training and certifications for these requirements, you are at greater risk for safety hazards, litigation, and regulatory fines.


“P3’s DOT HAZMAT training is critical to keep our marketers compliant with federal requirements.”

Clay Wilson, Manager of Propane Distribution, Greater Dickson Gas Authority, TN

Who Needs DOT Training?

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires training within 90 days of a new team member’s employment, provided they are under the direct supervision of a properly trained employee; or immediately when an existing employee changes job functions or a new hazardous material has been introduced; and recurrent training every three years. This includes delivery drivers, customer service representatives, service technicians, and employees who:

  • Load, unload, or handle HAZMAT
  • Test, recondition, repair, modify, mark, or represent packages as qualified
  • Prepare HAZMAT for transportation
  • Are responsible for safety of transporting HAZMAT
  • Operate vehicles used to transport HAZMAT
  • Supervise HAZMAT employees

Training Class

What Does Training Include?

The certification will follow the requirements outlined in 172.704:

  • General awareness/familiarization training
  • Function-specific training
  • Safety training
  • Security awareness training
  • In-depth security training

Participants will receive a Certificate of Training after mandatory testing is completed.

P3 Classroom training

The Difference with P3

P3 is the leading training provider in the propane industry. Our team of propane safety experts have decades of experience conducting training sessions and creating safety programs. Unlike other DOT training options out there, P3’s DOT training is customized to your company’s needs. We will tailor DOT training to your policies, procedures, and company structure so that every employee leaves with applicable knowledge and proper certification.

P3 Propane Safety will provide certifications of each employee’s completed training. This will help avoid fines and anticipate renewal deadlines.


Customer Service Representative on Phone with Customer


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that all employees that may face hazards on the job receive authorized training. For propane marketers, this may include employees like:

  • Delivery Drivers
  • Service Technicians
  • Customer Service Representatives


OSHA training from P3 Propane Safety is conducted by our certified propane safety experts. Our safety experts are authorized to conduct initial OSHA training sessions and renewal courses. Unlike other training options, P3 Propane Safety will come to your business location to conduct training on-site. Our training team will help employees meet the requirements they need and customize training sessions to your company’s specific policies and procedures.


Our propane safety experts offer a variety of OSHA training requirements, including HAZCOM (includes PPE, matching 1900.1210, and portable fire extinguisher training), PPE, portable fire extinguisher, hand and portable fire tools, ladder safety, truck mounted lifts, emergency action plan, mobile crane, powered industrial trucks/forklifts, portable manlift, motorized tank and cylinder mover, and motorized trencher safety training. Keep in mind that OSHA recommends an annual refresher for all applicable employees.